How to turn your Crocs into a luxury sandal

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insert sandal croc
SoxsolS inserts provide a comfortable layer in the sandal.

Simultaneously loved and reviled, Crocs sandals and clogs are enjoyed by millions for their comfort. Between the wide cut of the shape and the thick rubber footbed feet Crocs provide a roomy soft experience. SoxsolS washable inserts for sandals improve the comfort even more.


Earlier those not in the club saw these shoes as a bulbous clog for the stylishly challenged, or at best stylishly indifferent. Those days have passed. Today the brand makes a broad variety of styles, without compromising the famous comfort. They are even getting recommendations for great travel sandals.

Still the design of the rubber shoe leaves some items that can be improved upon. The slick rubber surface is not particularly breathable and moisture can collect there. Over time the perspiration and acids will lead to odorThese clogs can be cleaned with time and effort, but you could be doing something else.


For an added touch of luxury SoxsolS machine washable inserts for sandals can turn your Crocs into luxury footwear.

  • Providing a liner of thick plush French Terry cotton or thick plush Melton wool on the otherwise non-breathable, non-absorbent rubber surface.
  • SoxsolS extremely tacky silicone rubber bottoms adhere well to the sandal’s tops.
  • When SoxsolS are soiled they can simply be tossed into the laundry.
  • The slippery feeling under the foot will gone, yet the sole will continue to be in a healthy moist environment. The sole needs moisture, this is why it is one of the densest concentrations of sweat glands in the human body.
  • Regularly removing the SoxsolS and laundering them washes away most of the perspiration and acids. Washing the odors from the SoxsolS prevents odor build up.

But most importantly, the thick springy rubber is enhanced by the thick plush fabric for a truly comfortable experience.